Ancestry Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3  /  Chart 4  /  Chart 5  /  Chart 6  /  Chart 7 Chart 8  /  Chart 9  /  Chart 10  /  Chart 11  /


Charles Marion Brewer

Poems by C Marion Brewer.

Hugh Lawson Combs 

Genealogy for Hugh and Helen, Hugh and Susan.


Carl Martin Combs 

Genealogy for Carl and Nellie, Carl and Norma.


Carl Woodrow Combs

Genealogy for Carl and Wanda.

Information on the Jenkins families.


Schrade Ancestry


Shaumeyer Ancestry

Descendants of Caspar Shaumeyer.


August Frederick Shaumeyer

Team photos as well as other information on August Frederick Shaumeyer.


Memories by R N Shaumeyer

Memories written by CSM Ret Robert Neal Shaumeyer about his life.


George Christian Shaumeyer

Genealogy information for George Christian & Rosina (Schrade) Shaumeyer.


Descendants of Andrew McCrorey.


William Calvin Jenkins

Information on Bill Jenkins.


Sue Jenkins

Information on Sue Jenkins.




